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”Divine Attributes,” The Stone Chapel Podcast, Episode 58. June 24, 2021:


”On the Divine Attributes,” Parker’s Pensees Podcast, Episode 103. May 20, 2021:


”What is Canonical Theology?” Nicholas Noyola Youtube Channel. May 19, 2021:


”What are the Attributes of God?” Theopologetics Podcast, Episode 20. May 17, 2021:


”Providence and God’s Unfulfilled Desires,” The Reluctant Theologian Podcast Episode 61, 12/16/20.


”The Divine Attributes,” The Reluctant Theologian Podcast, Episode 60, 12/9/20.


”Toward a Defensible View of Sola Scriptura,” Capturing Christianity Youtube Channel, 7/30/20.


"Two Views on the God of Love and the Problem of Evil," Unbelievable? Premiere Christian Radio. February 15, 2020.


”Apocrypha, Biblical Textual Criticism and Certainty,” AdventNext podcast interview, recorded February 4, 2020.


”Why Trust the Bible? Canonicity of Scripture,” AdventNext podcast interview, recorded February 4, 2020.


”The Divine Council, Cosmic Conflict, and the Problem of Evil,” Crash Course Apologetics Youtube Interview, December 13, 2019.


”The Olasky Interview: John Peckham.” The World and Everything In It Podcast (Podcast of World Magazine, November 6, 2019.


”Theodicy of Love,” AdventNext podcast interview (2 parts), recorded May 22, 2019.

Part 1:

Part 2:


“How to Square God's Omniscience, Omnipotence, & Loving Character with the Enormity of Suffering in the World” Patrick Henry College Newsmakers live video interview with Marvin Olasky, April 4, 2019.


”Explore God: The Problem of Evil and Suffering,” Veracity Hill podcast interview, January 26, 2019.


”Theodicy of Love,” Restore podcast interview, January 23, 2019.


”The Problem of Suffering,” Live radio interview on the Bob Dutko Show regarding my book Theodicy of Love, November 7, 2018.


”The Love of God,” Podcast interview for Voice of Prophecy regarding my book The Love of God. Disclosure podcast (6/6/18):


”Trinity of Love,” 8-program series for It Is Written Canada. Presented by John C. Peckham and Christopher Holland. Toronto, Canada, March 5, 2018.

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Part 4:

Part 5:

Part 6:

Part 7:

Part 8:


”God is Love,” 8-program series for It Is Written Canada. Presented by John C. Peckham and Christopher Holland. Toronto, Canada, January 11, 2018. 

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Part 4:

Part 5:

Part 6:

Part 7:

Part 8:


“The Great Controversy 1 and 2.” Adventist Theological Society “Faith and Life” video series for Hope Channel and ATS Academy. Presented by John C. Peckham and Martin Hanna. Silver Spring, MD, April 2, 2018.


“The Holy Spirit 1 and 2.” Adventist Theological Society “Faith and Life” video series for Hope Channel and ATS Academy. Presented by John C. Peckham and John Reeve. Silver Spring, MD, April 3, 2018.


“Doctrine of God 1 and 2.” Adventist Theological Society “Faith and Life” video series for Hope Channel and ATS Academy. Presented by John C. Peckham and John Reeve. Silver Spring, MD, August 7, 2017.


“Faith and Doctrine.” Adventist Theological Society “Faith and Life” video series for Hope Channel and ATS Academy. Presented by John C. Peckham, John Reeve, and Ed Zinke. Silver Spring, MD, August 7, 2017.


Filmed Interview for Origens program, seventh season (“Behold the man”), Novo Tempo (Brazil’s Hope Channel), airing April 2018, filmed July 26, 2017.


Filmed Interviews for Inside the Bible program, episodes 2, 3, and 4, Hope Channel, began airing October 2017.


The Love of God, Chapter Summary Videos for Book Review Course. Adventist Learning Community, 2016:


“Our God is Love,” Podcast interview regarding book The Love of God: A Canonical Model. Theopologetics Podcast (3/13/16): 9-part review series on my book The Love of God: A Canonical Model: 


John C. Peckham with Richard M. Davidson, "The Sola Scriptura Principle," Episode 1: Faithful to the Scriptures Series (2015), 30 minutes. Adventist Theological Academy, Adventist Theological Society, 2015.


John C. Peckham, "The Biblical Canon," Episode 3: Faithful to the Scriptures Series (2015), 30 minutes. Adventist Theological Academy, Adventist Theological Society, 2015.


Radio interview regarding book The Love of God: A Canonical Model, aired Thanksgiving week, November 2015 on Anglican Radio.

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